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Failure To Diagnose Colon Cancer

Cancer is a scary diagnosis to get. You may have thoughts of dying, become anxious about the harsh treatment ahead of you, or be confused at what will happen next.  Imagine that you find out that your cancer could have been diagnosed earlier. What if an earlier diagnosis would have allowed you to receive less treatment and a better chance to live?  At Frank Spector Law, a common call that I get is the failure to diagnose colon cancer. Colon cancer is a slow growing cancer in most situations. This page will explore colon cancer in depth and the legal implications of a failure to diagnose.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Colon Cancer

When it comes to colon cancer, the early stages often present with minimal or no symptoms. This stealthy nature underscores the importance of being vigilant and responsive to any subtle changes in your body. Common indicators include a persistent change in bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or a change in the stool's consistency. Many individuals may also experience rectal bleeding or blood in the stool, which is a clear sign that something is amiss.

Abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas, or pain, may persist, often dismissed as routine digestive upsets. Yet, if these symptoms are recurrent and accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation, they warrant further investigation. Weight loss without a clear reason, weakness, and fatigue are also symptoms that, although nonspecific, should prompt consideration of colon cancer, especially if they persist.

Understanding and recognizing these signs is the first step toward early detection. It is crucial to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any of these symptoms, especially if they persist over time or worsen.

Overview of Diagnostic Tests for Colon Cancer

The path to diagnosing colon cancer involves a series of diagnostic tests designed to visualize the colon and identify any abnormalities. These tests not only confirm the presence of cancer but also aid in determining its stage, thus guiding the treatment plan.

The initial screening test for many is a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or a fecal immunochemical test (FIT). These non-invasive tests detect hidden blood in the stool, a possible sign of cancer. While a positive result does not confirm cancer, it necessitates further examination through more definitive diagnostic tools.

A flexible sigmoidoscopy allows doctors to examine the lower part of the colon using a flexible tube with a light and camera attached. This procedure can identify polyps or cancer in the sigmoid colon and rectum but does not allow for a full view of the colon. For a comprehensive examination, a colonoscopy is often recommended.

Blood tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), may be conducted to check for anemia, which can result from bleeding caused by the tumor. Additionally, a carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test might be performed to measure the level of CEA in the blood, which could be elevated in people with colon cancer.

The Role of Colonoscopy in Diagnosing Colon Cancer

Colonoscopy is heralded as the gold standard in diagnosing colon cancer. This procedure not only allows for a visual inspection of the entire colon and rectum but also facilitates the removal of polyps or tissue samples for biopsy. The ability to perform these tasks simultaneously is a significant advantage, making colonoscopy a powerful tool in the early detection and prevention of colon cancer.

Preparation for a colonoscopy involves a cleansing process to empty the colon, providing a clear view for the examination. While the thought of preparation and the procedure itself may deter some, the benefits of colonoscopy in detecting early-stage cancer and preventing its progression cannot be overstated.

During the procedure, the doctor may find and remove polyps before they develop into cancer. If cancer is detected, the biopsy can determine the type of cancer, its stage, and guide the subsequent treatment plan. The role of colonoscopy in diagnosing colon cancer is pivotal, offering a direct and effective means to identify and address the disease in its nascent stages.

Other Diagnostic Procedures for Colon Cancer

Beyond colonoscopy, several other diagnostic procedures play a role in diagnosing colon cancer. A double-contrast barium enema (DCBE) is one such test where a barium solution and air are introduced into the colon via the rectum, followed by an X-ray of the area. This test can highlight abnormal areas on the X-ray images, suggesting the presence of polyps or cancer.

Computed tomography (CT) colonography, also known as a virtual colonoscopy, is a minimally invasive test that uses CT scanning to obtain an interior view of the colon. While less invasive than a traditional colonoscopy, if abnormalities are found, a conventional colonoscopy will still be necessary to remove polyps or perform a biopsy.

In certain cases, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) may be utilized to obtain detailed images of the colon wall and adjacent areas. This procedure can help in assessing how deeply a cancer has penetrated the colon wall and whether it has spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissues.

There are some at home tests that screen for colon cancer.

Understanding the Stages of Colon Cancer

The staging of colon cancer is a crucial step in determining the most effective treatment plan. Staging is based on the extent to which the cancer has grown into the wall of the colon or rectum, whether it has invaded nearby structures, and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or distant organs.

The stages of colon cancer range from stage 0, indicating cancer that has not grown beyond the inner layer of the colon, to stage IV, where cancer has spread to distant organs. Each stage has specific characteristics and implications for treatment, making an accurate staging assessment vital for guiding therapy.

Understanding the stages of colon cancer empowers patients and their families to make informed decisions about their care. It also facilitates discussions with healthcare providers about the prognosis and the best course of action, tailored to the individual's specific situation.

The Impact of Early Detection on Treatment Options and Prognosis

Early detection of colon cancer significantly influences treatment options and prognosis. When diagnosed at an early stage, treatment may involve less extensive surgery and may not require chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Early-stage colon cancer has a higher chance of being completely cured, underscoring the life-saving potential of early detection.

The prognosis for colon cancer varies depending on the stage at diagnosis, with early-stage cancers having a much better prognosis than those diagnosed at a later stage. The five-year survival rate for localized colon cancer (stage I or II) can be as high as 90%, while for advanced cancer (stage III or IV), the survival rates are considerably lower.

Early detection through routine screening and prompt attention to symptoms can drastically alter the course of colon cancer, turning a potentially life-threatening condition into a manageable disease. It is a powerful testament to the importance of awareness, vigilance, and proactive healthcare engagement.

In conclusion, diagnosing colon cancer early is pivotal in maximizing the effectiveness of treatment and improving the chances of a favorable outcome. By understanding the signs and symptoms, undergoing recommended diagnostic tests, and appreciating the critical role of early detection, individuals can take active steps toward safeguarding their health. Let this knowledge empower you to advocate for your well-being and ensure that colon cancer is caught at its earliest, most treatable stage.

Medical Malpractice For Failure To Diagnose Colon Cancer?

If you suspect that your doctor failed to diagnose your colon cancer early, you may have a basis to bring a lawsuit. Here are some questions for you?

  • Did you let your doctor know if your symptoms early ( blood in stool, constipation, diarrhea etc.)?
  • Did your colonoscopy show a polyp that was not removed or followed up upon?
  • Did your doctor fail to warn you on cancer in your colon?
  • Are you at a late stage cancer, i.e. stage 3 or stage 4

If you answered yes to any of these, call me for a free case review.

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Frank Spector Law is committed to answering your questions about Medical Malpractice, Birth Injury - Cerebral Palsy, Birth Injury - Erb's Palsy, Birth Injury - Development Delay, Wrongful Death, Surgical Errors, Emergency Room Malpractice, Misdiagnosis, Medication Errors, and Nursing Home Neglect law issues in Maryland.

I offer a Free Consultation and I'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact me today to schedule an appointment.


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